Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ian goes off to school...

Well, the day finally came. On Wednesday we took Ian to school for his first day in Year Two (1st grade in the US). He did great—he liked his teacher, made a new friend (Robert), and played soccer for the first time (though I think he scored an ‘own goal’). The day before school started we visited the school and met his teacher, Miss Lewis. Here are some snaps from the week.

Ian at the door of his new school. The kids there call it 'Hogwarts.'

Ian with his new teacher, Miss Lewis, who comes from South Africa.

This is Ian's classroom--there are 16 kids in his class.

Same room, different view.

I put this last because I didn't think anyone would keep reading after this picture! Unbelievable how good Ian looked in his uniform--he told me several times that he had a tie on. When I took this shot it was still dark outside, windy and rainy, and we were just about to leave to catch a bus for Marylebone, where the school is located.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Asmart laddie ,nice haircut too

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    A smart laddie, nice haircut too.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Not to borrow a Wayne's World phrase lightly, but SCHWING! My first grade teacher was ancient and wore horn rimmed glasses.


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